04 April 2009


The past few days have been rather gloomy here in Gotham. A deluge fell from the skies yesterday and today was terribly overcast and windy. Katie and I stupidly decided to walk around SoHo on a Saturday and had to reward ourselves with cannolis in Little Italy for all the pain and suffering. Yaffa was overrun with teenagers calling it "funky" and the streets were lined with tourists. There are just someplaces we should know better than to go to on the weekends.

I really need to get on finalizing my Germany plans. I'm going to go and spend some time with my mother's family there after the program is over. I was originally planning on a week, but they all think I need to spend more time there. I suppose it will all be contingent on how much money I can get pawning my instruments. So ist das Leben! I have a gut feeling I'm never going to want to return to the states. I'm so completely over American economics and governmental policy.

Electricity is a recent discovery. Think of 12 things you can do when there's no power.

  1. Organize a Pick-up Sticks tournament
  2. Use eyeliner to draw on curly mustaches and speak to each other in French accents
  3. Read a freakin' book
  4. Reenact classical pieces of theatre with uncultured friends
  5. Paint portraits of beloved family pets
  6. Break out the ukulele and write a pop opera
  7. Knit a tea cozy
  8. Build a bonfire, make s'mores and reenact the end credits of D2 "GOLDBERG!"
  9. Hold a memorial service for the Internet, no power sucks! "What do you mean I can't Tweet?!"
  10. Finally get around to reading Russell Brand's Booky-Wook
  11. Practice yodelling
  12. Take a nap and pray the powers on when you wake up
All things good.

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