28 January 2009

In rereading a blog from a week or so ago I came across the typo, “who’ve I’ve.” Most typos, while irritating don’t quite embarrass me, but this one’s a whopper and while I thought something was off about it, I didn’t necessarily pick it up right away. All I really can say right now is, “thank you Eastport for the fine education.”

Speaking of education (oh how I love a good segue!)… this semester may in fact lead to my untimely demise. Monday had me LOOKING FORWARD to going to German. Droll professors, ridiculous amounts of work, a sprint up 10 flights of stairs in order to make it to American Law on time… UGH! I haven’t even finished out my first week and I’m already pulling my hair out. On the plus side my 19th Century American Social History professor is pretty much me in 20 years. She’s primarily a 19th century NYC social historian and I started reading her book on foundlings and I’m in love. It’s the only class I’m super stoked about and thank god it’s the only class I have to write a gigantic research paper for. A research paper in which I can choose any 19th century topic that I want… this is not work for me, this is simply a night of curious inquiry. God, I’m pathetic.

I’ll keep this short and on the topic of education I suppose. I must depart now and go talk about the French Revolution with a professor that I’m pretty sure was, in fact at the Congress of Vienna. Then I’m going to sell a kidney on the black market so I can buy my books. True story.

All things good.

19 January 2009

What's in a Name?


Surname Origin: German
Definition: An occupational surname for "blacksmith" or "metalworker," from the German word "schmied." The German equivalent of the English surname SMITH.

I need to address this growing phenomenon of my friends thinking me Jewish because I just don't understand it. This is not an 'at first glance' situation either. It's only starting to emerge years into friendship and I'm boggled. Have they simply not been listening as I've been regaling them with stories of teaching Catechism or my brief misadventures in Catholic school?

Many fall back on the old, "well Schmidt's a Jewish last name." SINCE WHEN? Yes, I know that due to persecution most German Jews changed their surnames many times over the centuries, but the closest to Jewish Schmidt has ever come is with "Goldschmidt." My last name IS NOT Goldschmidt. Is it simply because Schmidt is German? If that's the case why not think me spawned from the Nazi party? I am, after all a huge supporter of Socialism! Because that's pretty much what you're getting at, "oh well, she's got to be a Jew because she's too nice to be a Nazi." We all know that's what us Americans think about Germany; it's just the land of Nazis, Jews and David Hasselhoff sympathizers.

Then there's the ever popular "you just sound Jewish." What does a Jew sound like? Is this because I'm from Long Island? Yes, I know I have a disgusting accent and lay on the guilt whenever possible but this, I don't think, should be used as proof of my ethnic origins. I'm merely from Long Island and with that being said, why don't you think I'm Italian and Catholic? If you did that at least you'd be half right. Is it because I don't flat iron my hair, sausage my fat rolls into too tight clothing and proudly shout "JAEGAHBOMBS!!!" when I go out?

I'm also a fan of, "you speak Jewish." Oh, I do, do I? What language is Jewish exactly? Because I can tell you for certain I know naught of anything Hebraic. Is this in reference to my copious use of Yiddish? My exclamations of "OY VEY!" when I'm frustrated? Again, I must draw your attention to the fact that I use "Madonna mia!" just as frequently and I am NOT Italian. I'm from Long Island, folks, a place where both of these ethnic groups are so highly concentrated that it's nearly impossible for one to grow up in such an environment and escape untouched.

Also, my first name is Brittney. BRITTNEY. A name that didn't even become popular until the 1980's. In the Jewish faith it is customary (though not Jewish law) to name your child after a recently departed loved one or a living relative, depending on whether the family be Ashkenazic or Sephardic Jews respectively. Yes it's not law, yes there are those who don't follow this practice but, for anyone who's seen Fiddler on The Roof, you know Judaism is all about TRADITION. There is nothing traditional about the name Brittney, not even the spelling.

Perhaps I take for granted the fact that there are more Jews per square mile in NYC than in Israel and that I've grown up with Jewish friends and spent a lot of time in Jewish households but, I just don't see how so many people have mistaken my ethnic identity. Especially people who've known me for years!

18 January 2009

Genetic Opera and a New Year Resolution

Oh what a horrible blogger I am. It's not that I don't have anything to say, it's simply that everything to say seems too inconsequential to be littering the interwebs. Oh dear, perhaps it's time for me to put on The Cure and whine some more about feeling insignificant. Where did this all come from? I'm appalled.

Let's turn this post around before I get emo about the new year and talk about something a smidge more upbeat. Friday night we bundled up and ran to the Port Authority to catch a bus to New Jersey. Why, you may ask? Well let me explain; for one night, a cinema in Rutherford was showing "Repo! The Genetic Opera" and there was no way in hell we were missing it again. So, after almost missing our bus and 45 minutes of standing in the blistering cold all while singing Vanessa Hudgens' 'Sneakernight' to keep our minds off of the onsetting hypothermia we were finally settled into the equally frigid venue and giddy with anticipation. (Yes, I'm aware that saying we were giddy makes us look like douchetools but, you can't hide from the truth.)

This movie has been on our radar for quite some time now and I'm not sure why we didn't go and see it when it was released here, but again, we're douchetools, simple as that. We may or may not have illegally downloaded it though. THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT -- point is that this movie is BRILLIANT. Do you know how you can tell? When something stirs up such a rabid fanbase that people show up in costume and begin to form shadowcasts, that's the markings of something lasting and brilliant. Like pretty much everyone else who've I've talked to about this movie, I agree that it's well on its way to being the RHPS for a new generation. It's been a while since us outcasted little freaks had something of this magnitude to cling to.

It's out on DVD Tuesday, go buy it. Even if it's just to watch Paris Hilton's face fall off.

Now on to other matters.

The holidays are finally over, the new year has begun, we get a new President this week and I feel no different than I did previously. Talk about a bummer. I should be excited or at least a bit more upbeat, no? When did I become such a cynic? When did I let the man get me down? Regardless, January is already on its way out and I only have another week before school starts up again. Let's see if I can turn this frown upside down.

As far as resolutions go, I guess I don't really make resolutions as much as set goals. Hmm, that doesn't make sence seeing as a resolution is essentially a goal so nevermind. Last years resolution was to procure and master the ukulele. I'm glad to say It was accomplished before May and I spent the rest of the year annoying and amusing all those around me. This years resolution will be learning to yodel. Why you ask? Well, why not? It's slightly more obnoxious than the uke and what a great party trick it will be!